400 MHz Bruker Avance III HD solid-state NMR spectrometer
This is our dedicated 400 MHz Bruker Avance III HD solid-state NMR spectrometer. It is equipped with an assortment of probeheads including 1.3 mm HX, 2.5 mm HXY, 4 mm HXY, etc.

Wet Lab
Our wet lab contains everything needed for the manipulation of chemicals. This includes three fume hoods, fridge/freezer, ovens, Schlenk line, and chemical storage space.

400 MHz/263 GHz DNP NMR spectrometer

Our group has regular access the 400 MHz/263 GHz DNP NMR located in Marek Pruski’s lab in the DOE Ames Lab. This is one of two DNP NMR systems in the USA dedicated to characterization of materials. The DNP system was installed in the Ames lab in October 2014.
Other resources
Access to other instrumentaton such as solution NMR, mass spec., X-ray diffraction, 600 MHz solid-state NMR, etc., is obtained through the Chemical Instrumentation Facility (CIF) in the Chemistry Department at ISU.