12/2018 – Two new papers appear in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. Scott’s article Probing O-H Bonding Through Proton Detected 1H-17O Double Resonance Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy describes the application of fast MAS and 1H detection to obtain 2D 1H-17O NMR spectra and measure O-H bond lengths and O-H J-couplings. Congrats Scott! Brijith’s article Probing the Transformation of Boron Nitride Catalysts under Oxidative Dehydrogenation Conditions describes the characterization of boron nitride ODH catalysts with 11B solid-state NMR spectroscopy. This work was performed in collaboration with Ive Hermans group at University of Wisconsin-Madison. Congrats to Brijith and the rest of the team!
11/2018 – We welcome Rick Dorn to the group as a new graduate student.
10/2018 – Mike’s paper Sensitivity-Enhanced 207Pb Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy for the Rapid, Non-Destructive Characterization of Organolead Halide Perovskites appears in Chemistry of Materials. This work is the result of an ongoing collaboration with Prof. Javier Vela’s group. Congrats to Mike and the rest of the team!
09/2018 – Several new papers are published. A short perspective article Materials Characterization by Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Enhanced Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy appears in J. Phys. Chem. Lett. Open-Resonance-Assisted Hydrogen Bonds and Competing Quasiaromaticity appears in the J. Org. Chem and was a collaboration lead by Prof. Brett Vanveller’s group. Expanding the I-II-V Phase Space: Soft Synthesis Investigation of Polytypic Ternary and Binary Zinc Antimonides appears in Chemistry of Materials and was a collaboration lead by Prof. Javier Vela’s group. Amrit and Yunhua obtained 7Li and 121Sb NMR spectra of LiZnSb. Probing Surface Defects of InP Quantum Dots Using Phosphorus Kα and Kβ X-ray Emission Spectroscopy was a collaboration lead by Prof. Brandi Cossairt and Prof. Gerald Seidler at the University of Washington. Amrit obtained some nice fast MAS 31P NMR spectra of InP quantum dots.
07/2018 – The group attends the Rocky Mountain Conference on Magnetic Resonance. Aaron Gives a talk on fast MAS methods and DNP and the other group members give poster presentations.
06/2018 – Amrit’s paper Enhancing the Sensitivity of Solid-State NMR Experiments with Very Low-Gyromagnetic Ratio Nuclei with Fast MAS and Proton Detection appears in the Journal of Physical Chemistry A. Rare Earth Arylsilazido Compounds with Inequivalent Secondary Interactions appears in Chemical Communications. This paper was lead by the Sadow group at ISU and Amrit obtained some nice 89Y NMR spectra.
We welcome Rafael Blome Fernandez and Rick Dorn to the research group as summer research students.
05/2018 – Congrats to Dr. David Hirsh on his new position at Boehringer Ingelheim in Connecticut! Aaron attends the 59th ENC in Orlando and gives a talk describing fast MAS solid-state NMR methods.
02/2018 – Congrats to Amrit Venkatesh who was awarded the prestigious Brown Graduate Fellowship from Iowa State.
Two new papers are out. Li Zhao’s paper Characterization of Pharmaceutical Cocrystals and Salts by Dynamic Nuclear Polarization-Enhanced Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy appears in Crystal Growth and Design. This paper results from a collaboration with Dr. Joe Lubach and Dr. Karthik Nagapudi from Genentech, Inc.
“Modulating Reactivity and Selectivity of 2‑Pyrone-Derived Bicyclic Lactones through Choice of Catalyst and Solvent”appears in ACS Catalysis. This paper was lead by Prof. Brent Shanks group (ISU Chemical and Biological Engineering). Matt Ryan obtained some nice 1D and 2D 1H, 13C and 27Al solid-state NMR spectra for the paper. Congrats Matt!
01/2018 – We are happy to welcome Dr. David Hirsh to the group. David just completed his PhD with Rob Schurko at the University of Windsor.
12/2017 – Two new papers are out. Michael Hanrahan’s paper, Characterization of Silicon Nanocrystal Surfaces by Multidimensional Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy appears in Chemistry of Materials. Congrats Mike! This paper was the result of a collaboration with the groups of Prof. Theresa Windus (ISU) and Dr. Nathan Neale (NREL DOE Lab). A new review article written by Dr. Li Zhao, DNP-Enhanced Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients appears in Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry.
11/2017 – Anuradha Viraj Wijesekara and Yunhua Chen (co-advised with Prof. Javier Vela) join the group as graduate students.
10/2017 – Congratulations to Dr. Li Zhao on his new position at Voxalytics in Germany. We will miss Li and wish him good luck in his new career.
09/2017 – A new paper Enhancing the Resolution of 1H and 13C Solid-State NMR Spectra by Reduction of Anisotropic Bulk Magnetic Susceptibility Broadening is out in the journal Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. This paper demonstrates that 2D HETCOR experiments can be used to directly improve the resolution of 1H and 13C solid-state NMR spectra by reducing the inhomogeneous ABMS broadening. This work was performed in collaboration with Prof. Eric Munson (University of Kentucky).
08/2017 – We are pleased to welcome Dr. Brijith Thomas to the group as a post-doctoral fellow.
07/2017 – A new paper The Solvent-Solid Interface of Acid Catalysts Studied by High Resolution MAS NMR is out in the Journal of Physical Chemistry C. This work was performed in collaboration with Dr. Robert Johnson and Prof. Brent Shanks (ISU).
06/2017 – A new paper, Argentation Gas Chromatography Revisited: Separation of Light Olefin/Paraffin Mixtures Using Silver-based Ionic Liquid Stationary Phases, is published in Journal of Chromatography A in collaboration with Professor Jared Anderson (ISU). In this paper Amrit obtained 109Ag solid-state NMR spectra of some silver ionic liquids using fast magic angle spinning and proton detection.
06/2017 – Some new articles from Aaron’s post-doc work with Lyndon Emsley are published. A paper in Journal of the American Chemical Society in collaboration with Christophe Copéret (ETH Zurich) describes the characterization of trivalent surface grafted organometallic complexes with DNP enhanced NMR. A paper in the Journal of Physical Chemistry C describes the application of DNP enhanced NMR for the characterization of calcium silicate cement materials. This paper was in collaboration with Paul Bowen (EPFL).
05/2017 – We are pleased to welcome Dr. Li Zhao to the group as a post-doctoral fellow.
04/2017 – A new paper Proton Detection of MAS Solid-State NMR Spectra of Half-Integer Quadrupolar Nuclei is available in Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Also, congratulations to Mike and Amrit who received scholarships/awards from the Chemistry Department. Both Scott and Amrit were named as finalists for the Cotton-Uphaus Award. Congratulations to Amrit for winning the Cotton-Uphaus Award!
03/2017 – A new perspective article Lead Halide Perovskites: Challenges and Opportunities in Advanced Synthesis and Spectroscopy is available in ACS Energy Letters. This work was a collaboration with Prof. Javier Vela and Prof. Emily Smith. A video summarizing the perspective can also be viewed here.
01/2017 – A couple of new papers are out. “Indirect Detection of Infinite-Speed MAS Solid-State NMR Spectra” appears in the Journal of Magnetic Resonance and was a collaboration with Dr. Fred Perras and Dr. Marek Pruski (Ames Lab/ISU). “Transfer Hydrogenation Activity over Sodium-Modified Ceria: Enrichment of Redox Sites Active for Alcohol Dehydrogenation” appears in the Journal of Catalysis and was a collaboration with Dr. Igor Slowing’s group (Ames Lab/ISU).
01/2017 – We are pleased to welcome Matt Ryan to the group. Matt is an undergraduate student researcher who is part of the ISU University Honors program.

10/2016 – We are pleased to welcome to the group new graduate students Amrit Venkatesh and Scott Carnahan and undergraduate student researchers Ryley Schubert and Rachel Gloeckner.
08/24/2016 – A new article “35Cl Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Solid-State NMR of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients” is accepted for publication in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics . This was a collaboration with Rob Schurko’s group (University of Windsor) and Lyndon Emsley (EPFL).
08/22/2016 – A new article “Rapid Acquisition of Wideline MAS Solid-state NMR Spectra with Fast MAS, Indirect Proton Detection, and Dipolar HMQC Pulse Sequences” is accepted for publication in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.
07/25/2016 – A new article with Javier Vela’s group (ISU), “Persistent Dopants and Amorphous Phases in Organolead Halide Perovskites” is published in Chemistry of Materials . This article demonstrates the use of 207Pb solid-state NMR spectroscopy to characterize methylammonium lead perovskite photo-voltaic materials.
07/21/2016– Aaron and Mike attend the Rocky Mountain Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Breckenridge, Colorado and give poster presentations.
06/04/2016 – Aaron attends the Canadian Society for Chemistry Meeting in Halifax Nova Scotia and gives two talks.
06/01/2016 – Yan Chen joins the group as a summer research student from Beijing Normal University.
05/24/2016 – A new article is published from Aaron’s post-doc work in _Chemistry of Materials_. This work describes the characterization of molecular phosphorus precursors for silicon doping by DNP enhanced 31P solid-state NMR. This was in collaboration with Christophe Copéret (ETH Zurich) and Chloé Thieuleux (CPE Lyon).
05/13/2016 – Amrit Venkatesh joins the group as a summer research student. Welcome Amrit!
05/13/2016 – A new article is published from Aaron’s post-doc work in ACS Catalysis. This work describes DNP enhanced solid-state NMR for characterization of Sn-Beta zeolites prepared by different synthetic methods. This was a collaboration with Christophe Copéret (ETH Zurich) and Ive Hermans (UW Madison).
03/22/2016 – A new article from AJR’s post-doc work in Lyndon Emsley’s lab describing NMR crystallography of a complex organic material is published in Chemical Science.
01/15/2016 – David Hirsh visits from Prof. Robert W. Schurko’s group at the University of Windsor to perform DNP experiments.
10/01/2015 – Mike Hanrahan joins the group as a graduate student.
08/23/2015 – Aaron Rossini starts at ISU.